You're reading: NABU ends pretrial investigation in minister Nasalyk tax declaration case

Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) have decided to complete the pretrial investigation and disclose materials in the criminal proceeding where Energy and Coal Industry Minister Ihor Nasalyk is suspected of providing untrue information in e-declaration.

“On behalf of the SAPO prosecutors, the NABU detectives decided to complete the pretrial investigation and to open materials in criminal proceedings on suspicion of the energy and coal industry minister of Ukraine of committing a crime under Article 366-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on the fact of providing inaccurate information in the declaration of a person authorized to performing the functions of the state or local government for 2015-2018,” the press service of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) said on Wednesday evening.

According to the information, after the defense side studies the materials of the pretrial investigation the specified proceedings will be sent to court.

As reported, the investigators established that in 2014 the suspect received a loan of $1.249 million from an individual. However, in violation of the requirements of the law of Ukraine on Corruption prevention, the official did not reflect this information in the annual declarations (for 2015-2018).

SAPO did not mention the last name of the minister. However, Nasalyk has been Energy and Coal Industry Minister of Ukraine since April 2016.