You're reading: NATO plans to expand work of NATO-Ukraine Cyber Defense Trust Fund

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov and Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges Sorin Ducaru have discussed the situation that has developed in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s hybrid aggression.

Turchynov noted that a powerful infrastructure of Russian troops is being built along the Ukrainian-Russian border, new divisions are being created in Belgorod and Rostov regions, near the eastern and northern borders of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council’s press service reported on July 4.

“There is no need to tell you about the militarization in Kaliningrad and the formation of powerful bases in Syria,” the NSDC secretary said adding that Russia has significantly strengthened its positions in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea basins.

In addition, the two discussed the methods of Russia’s hybrid aggression against Ukraine.

They also paid attention to deepening cooperation in the defense industry and in cyber security between Ukraine and NATO member countries.

Ducaru stressed “Ukraine is the cornerstone of Euro-Atlantic security.”

In addition, the NATO assistant secretary general noted the importance of cooperation in the scientific field and in the matters of cyber security.

At this stage, Ukraine and NATO deepen practical cooperation and integration of their actions, he said adding that the work of the NATO-Ukraine Cyber Defense Trust Fund has been assessed as satisfactory, and now they are planning to expand its work.