You're reading: No opportunities for raising minimum wage at present, says Groysman

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman has stated at the moment there is no possibility in Ukraine for making the decision to raise the minimum wage.

“We’ve made a very systematic move, which, in my opinion, opened one more opportunity, namely to unfreeze wages in general. We can say that we began repaying debts to working Ukrainians, because their work has been underestimated for a long time. The minimum wage pushed the average wage. I think that this year the average wage could already be about Hr 10,000,” Groysman said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

According to the prime minister, it will be possible to reach the level of the average salary of Hr 10,000 even if the minimum wage is not raised to Hr 4,200.

“What is the issue of raising the minimum wage? It depends on the development of the national economy, it should be affordable for employers. In addition, it entails budget expenses. It should all be balanced. Some Hr 3,200 was our exact calculation. So, we will go further. And how the economy will react, so we will move on,” he added.

Groysman stressed he advocates that both minimum and sectoral salaries grow.

“I hope that we will be able to do this in future, but now there is no opportunity for such a decision,” the prime minister said.

As reported, in mid-April the Ministry of Finance stated it did not see an opportunity to review the size of the minimum wage in Ukraine to the level of Hr 4,200.

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