You're reading: Onyshchenko promises to make material about NABU chief public next week

Fugitive Member of Parliament of Ukraine Oleksandr Onyshchenko, who is wanted in Ukraine, claims that he did not communicate with agents of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and its chief Artem Sytnyk, and also promises to make a material concerning Sytnyk public next week.

“Sytnyk has told journalists that he talked to me about the tapes, conducted a ‘survey’ and that I did not tell him anything new there. Mr. Sytnyk – who did you call then?” Onyshchenko wrote on Facebook on April 25 in response to information from the NABU’s head, which was unveiled earlier that day.

Onyshchenko also added: “By the way, I am preparing one material concerning Sytnyk and how he handles criminal cases, how he fabricates and persuades to falsify. I’ll publish [it] next week.”

Sytnyk earlier said that NABU agents were in contact with Onyshchenko regarding his recordings. But Onyshchenko, according to Sytnyk, did not agree to share the files.

As reported, Onyshchenko on April 18 released an audio recording snippet of a conversation he alleges Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko participated in. The conversation is about ex-Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky and his offer to conclude contracts with Ukrainian gas giant Naftogaz and other state-owned companies to “give a share to Poroshenko.”

The presidential administration and the Petro Poroshenko Bloc parliamentary faction said that the recordings were fake.