You're reading: OSCE mission in Donbas confirms Zolote disengagement completion

The Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE SMM) conducted a verification of the withdrawal of forces and hardware at the site No. 2 in Zolote, Luhansk region, on Nov. 26.

“The State Emergency Service of Ukraine has demined certain parts of the area from explosive items and removed military fortifications and installations,” the Ukrainian Joint Forces’ Operation said on Facebook.

“Ukraine fulfilled all its disengagement obligations under the Minsk agreements, as did the other side,” the SMM’s deputy chief Mark Etherington said.

The verification was carried out under the Trilateral Contact Group’s framework resolution in accordance with a schedule approved by the TCG security subgroup in Minsk on Oct. 1.

“All subsequent issues will be dealt with in working order at the next meeting of the ‘Normandy Four’ nations on Dec. 9,” the post reads.