You're reading: OSCE: Number of Donbas civilian casualties halves this year

MINSK – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) reported the 50% decline in the number of civilian casualties in Donbas in 2018 and urges the opposing parties to disengage their forces and military hardware as soon as possible.

The 50% reduction in the number of civilian casualties this year against last year does not mean that ordeals of people living in the crisis area have diminished, OSCE Special Envoy to the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) talks in Minsk Martin Sajdik told reporters.

In this connection, reaffirming the commitment to ceasefire ought to be followed by fulfilling the entire host of concrete steps, in particular, the pullback of heavy weaponry, the disengagement of forces and military hardware, and mine clearance efforts, he said.

The OSCE is satisfied with the outcomes of the ‘bread truce’ in Donbas, Sajdik earlier said.

The TCG upheld its commitment to a comprehensive, steady and indefinite ceasefire starting from July 1, two weeks ago, he said.