You're reading: Patriarch Bartholomew calls on UOC Metropolitan Onufriy to take part in unification assembly

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople has forwarded a letter to Metropolitan Onufriy, the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC, Moscow Patriarchate), informing him that he will not be able to carry his current title after the head of Ukraine’s “local autocephalous church” has been elected.

“Addressing you as ‘Your Eminence Metropolitan of Kyiv’, in the form of dispensation and mercy, I inform you that after the election of the Ukrainian church head by a body, which will consist of priests and lay people, you will no longer be able from an ecclesiological and canonical standpoint to continue carrying the title of Metropolitan of Kyiv, which nonetheless you still carry today in violation of the terms outlined in the official documents of 1686,” Patriarch Bartholomew said in his letter.

The patriarch went on to ask Metropolitan Onufriy to “immediately and in the spirit of concord and unity” participate in the founding assembly of the unified Ukrainian Orthodox Church alongside other UOC bishops and the elections of its head. The patriarch also allowed the metropolitan “to be a candidate for this post.”

The patriarch also asked Metropolitan Onufriy and other UOC bishops to enter into communion with Kyiv Patriarchate leader Metropolitan Filaret and former Archbishop of Lviv Makariy.