You're reading: Poroshenko lifts ban on entry to Ukraine for Russian human rights ombudswoman

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has lifted a ban on Russian human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova’s entry to Ukraine in order to enable her to visit Russian citizens detained in Ukraine, Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada human rights ombudswoman Liudmyla Denisova said.

“President Petro Poroshenko has removed a ban on entry to Ukraine for Russian ombudswoman Tatyana Moskalkova in order to allow her to visit Russians in Ukraine,” Denisova told Hromadske TV on June 21.

Moskalkova’s visits should take place simultaneously with the Ukrainian human rights commissioner’s visits to Ukrainian citizens being held in Russia, Denisova said.

The Russian ombudswoman was previously banned from entering Ukraine due to her trips to Crimea, Denisova said.

“The ban on entering Ukraine that was imposed on Moskalkova because she violated the rules for traveling to Crimea has been lifted and now she can visit Ukraine unhindered,” she said.

Denisova said that it was her personal request to the Ukrainian president, who granted it.

The Ukrainian and Russian human rights commissioners earlier agreed to visit 34 prisoners in each of their countries as a follow-up to a telephone conversation between the Ukrainian and Russian presidents.