You're reading: Poroshenko urges international partners to step up sanctions on Kremlin

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko calls to strengthen the sanctions pressure of the international community on the Russian Federation in connection with the suppression of democratic processes in the Russian Federation itself and political assassinations abroad.

“We call on international partners to step up sanctions pressure on the Kremlin, not only for aggression against Ukraine but also for a hybrid war against the entire European and Euro-Atlantic community, for political assassinations abroad, and for suppressing democracy in Russia itself,” Poroshenko said in his statement in connection with holding illegal elections in Crimea by the occupation administration, published on his official website on March 19 morning.

“By joint efforts, our unity and international solidarity, we will ensure the de-occupation of Crimea and the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, respect for international law!” the Ukrainian president said.