You're reading: Rada passes bill on parking fines in first reading

Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has indicated it will grant the right to authorized local parking inspectors to impose fines for parking violations if the offences are recorded by camera or video.

Some 240 deputies voted in favor of the bill in its first reading, draft law No. 5364, which would introduce amendments into Kyiv’s Administrative Offense Code, as well as to relevant laws.

The draft bill envisions granting authority to local parking inspectors to impose finds on motorists who break rules “on parking vehicles within the borders of the corresponding populated area, if the violation is photographed or recorded on video.”

The law also envisioned penalizing individuals whose registered vehicles violate ordinances “in automatic mode,” which would absolve the owner of the vehicle for paying the fine if the individual actually driving it pays the fine herself.

The bill also would raise fines for parking violations. The penalty for not paying parking fees would increase 20 fold from the cost of a one hour parking fee (currently, the fine is from 8 to 12 minimum wages).

A 50 percent discount would be offered for paying fines during 10 banking days.

The draft law also envisions a 30 fold penalty (from the cost of a one hour parking fee) increase for parking in areas without the designated permit.