You're reading: Russia-occupation forces violate ceasefire 10 times in Donbas

Russia-occupation forces have violated the ceasefire ten times in the area of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) in Donbas since the beginning of the day, the JFO headquarters has said on Facebook.

“In particular, not far from the settlements of Novoselivka, Novhorodske and Shumy, the enemy opened fire from 82 and 120 caliber mortars. In the suburbs of Avdiyivka, Pisky and Maryinka, Russian invaders fired from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms,” the report said.

In the area of the settlement of Pivdenne, mercenaries fired from an anti-tank missile system. Near the village of Novhorodske, the militants also carried out remote mining from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers with POM-2 mines.

There are no combat losses among Ukrainian soldiers.

The Ukrainian side of the JCCC informed the OSCE representatives about all the facts of violations.