You're reading: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Latest developments

Here are the latest developments in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine:

– Putin announces ‘operation’ –

Russian President Vladimir Putin appears on television to announce the attack on Ukraine shortly before 6:00 am (0300 GMT).

He says the military operation is to defend separatists in the east from “genocide” and warns the West of “horrible consequences” if it interferes.

– ‘Full-scale invasion’ –

As airstrikes and artillery pummel the country, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba accuses Putin of launching a “full-scale invasion”.

– Russians close on Kyiv –

Russian ground forces cross into Ukraine from several directions. They break through into the region north of Kyiv, attacking Ukrainian positions with Grad missiles.

– Battle for airbase –

An airbase on the northern outskirts of Kyiv falls to the Russians after dozens of attack helicopters take part in the assault.

– Fighting at Chernobyl –

Ukraine says its troops are fighting to keep control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which melted down with catastrophic consequences in 1986.

– ‘Massive casualty numbers’ –

With dozens dead, including many civilians, the Red Cross says it fears “massive casualty numbers”.

– Airbases, defences ‘destroyed’ –

Russia says its military has destroyed more than 70 military targets, including 11 airfields in Ukraine.

– Territorial gains –

The Russian army says Moscow-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine are advance and gaining territory.

– ‘Crime against humanity’ –

The Polish chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation Europe, which includes Russia, accuses Moscow of a “crime against humanity” in invading Ukraine.

– ‘Decapitate’ Ukraine –

The Russians intend to decapitate the Ukraine’s government and install a new leadership allied to Moscow, a senior US defence official claims.

– China ‘understands’ –

Beijing tells Russia’s foreign minister it understands Moscow’s “reasonable concerns on security issues” in Ukraine.

– Martial law –

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky declares martial law as a curfew is declared in Kyiv.

– ‘Maximum losses’ –

The head of the Ukrainian military says Zelensky has ordered him to repel the Russian invasion and to “inflict maximum losses”.

– Polish refugee centres –

Poland is opening nine reception centres along its border with Ukraine to prepare for an influx of refugees.

– Belarus ‘not taking part’ –

Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko says his military is not taking part in the invasion, but France condemns him for allowing his country to be the launchpad of the attack on Ukraine.

– ‘Ban Russia from banking system’ –

Ukraine calls on Russian banks to be excluded from the international SWIFT financial transfer network, as the West considers how to ramp up sanctions on Moscow.

– Moscow arrests anti-war protesters –

Dozens of Russian anti-war protesters are arrested in Moscow and St Petersburg despite a warning that they would be prosecuted if they took to the streets.

– Olympics blast Russia –

The International Olympic Committee harshly criticise Russia for violating the “Olympic Truce” for the Beijing Games.

– Lithuania emergency –

EU and NATO member Lithuania — the nearest of the Baltic states to Ukraine — says it will impose a state of emergency after the Russian attack.

– Oil prices soar –

Oil prices soar past $105 for the first time in more than seven years after Putin announces the invasion.

– Record wheat prices –

European wheat prices also hit a record high with Ukraine one of the world’s biggest grain producers.

– European stocks slump –

European stocks slump after similar falls in Asia, with the London market falling three percent.