You're reading: SBU chief: Fake poll in Donbas is attempt to force Ukraine into talks with ‘elected’ Russia-led militants

Ukraine’s SBU Security Service chief Vasyl Hrytsak has said an attempt to legitimize the illegitimate poll in occupied Donbas is an attempt to force Ukraine’s authorities to enter into talks with the allegedly legally elected leaders of the occupied territories.

“It is very important for Russia’s fifth column that has been acting inside Ukraine to mystify the legitimacy of the fake poll in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions,” Hrytsak told a news briefing in Kyiv on November 9.

He said that there are lots of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine that act for the benefit of the aggressor state. Formally, those organizations operate within the regulations of imperfect Ukrainian legislation.

“According to the Kremlin’s plot, the fake poll must lay the foundation for the Russian agents of influence in Ukraine to demand that the Ukrainian authorities sit down at the negotiating table with the representatives of terrorist organizations that have allegedly been freely elected,” the head of the Ukrainian special service said.

“[In their eyes,] the fake poll must become the trigger for a large-scale offensive by the pro-Russian lobby in Ukraine under the command and with the financial support of the Kremlin, flying the banners of peace and love for their fraternal nation,” Hrytsak said.

The illegitimate poll in the occupied territories of Donbas is scheduled for November 11.