You're reading: Truba: Neither Klitschko, nor his representatives come to SBI for questioning

Roman Truba, the director of the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI), says that Kyiv’s mayor Vitali Klitschko hasn’t arrived at the Bureau on July 26 to give evidence in a case involving land frauds.

“Neither Vitali Klitschko nor his representatives came to the SBI. Let me remind you that the mayor of the capital was summoned today to testify as a witness in the proceedings about possible illegal actions when concluding a land lease agreement for the construction and operation of a residential building in Kyiv,” Truba wrote on the Telegram on July 26.

In this regard, according to him, Klitschko will be sent an agenda for the second interrogation. “Let’s hope that he will come and tell the investigation his position,” wrote Truba.

Earlier, at a press conference on July 26, Klitschko said that he would not go in for questioning at the SBI, and a lawyer would represent his interests there.