You're reading: Trump says he loves Ukrainians

WASHINGTON – U.S. President Donald Trump said on Nov. 22 that he loves the people in Ukraine, but providing assistance to the country, he wants to be sure that the assistance is going to be spent properly.

“I love the people in Ukraine,” he said in a phone interview with Fox News. The president said that there is nothing bad in that he calls on Kyiv to fight corruption. “I want to make sure that the money is going to be spent properly,” he said. Trump said that Ukraine is among most corrupted countries in the world.

Trump said that this fact pushed him to propose his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to deal with Ukraine matters in the White House.

“Rudy is the best mayor in the history of New York City,” Trump said, adding that “he was the greatest crime fighter probably in the last 50 years.” Trump said that credentials of Rudy Giuliani would allow him to effectively help Ukraine to fight corruption.

In addition, the U.S. president again said that Ukraine’s course to the West brought more benefits to Ukraine than Washington. He said that that is why European countries should be more active in helping Ukraine.