Top news
- Starting July 21, COVID-19 vaccination opening to everyone
- Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia agree to work together on EU membership
- Ukrainian athlete’s doping ban extended retroactively, expelling him from the Olympic team
- Lawmakers submit thousands of amendments to stall anti-Akhmetov, oligarch bills
- Finland to open borders to Ukrainians on July 26
- 808 people drowned in Ukraine since beginning of year
- Hr 27.22 = $1
- Economy ministry expects 6% GDP growth in second quarter
- Green energy producers sue Guaranteed Buyer for $66 million
Kremlin watch
- Lanny Davis: Ukraine’s sanctions against Firtash were widely publicized – but his response went ignored
- Yaroslav Bozhko: Flirting with China is dangerous for Ukraine
- Walter Russell Mead: Why Putin still covets Ukraine