You're reading: Ukraine Digest: May 2

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We welcome 10 new subscribers overnight for a total of 2,065. A $45 annual subscription supports independent journalism.

What we’re watching: While the Ukrainian government touted the opening of street food markets on May 1, local governments decided whether the markets were fit to reopen. Most markets remained closed to the disappointment of vendors and shoppers. The false start may foreshadow the confusion that will take place as Ukraine eases the strict lockdown on May 12.

Watch tonight at 7 p.m.: An online concert to raise money for ventilators.


Keith W. Dayton tapped as US ambassador to Ukraine
The White House on May 1 announced U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s decision to nominate the retired U.S. Army lieutenant-general.

Justice for Journalists
The Kyiv Post has been investigating murders and suspicious deaths of journalists in Ukraine for the last two years, as part of a series called “Dying for Truth.” Two new videos to see: “How dangerous is it to be a journalist in Ukraine?” and “Death of journalist Vadym Boyko: Accident or murder?”

Ukrainian villages need to rebuild after forest fires
The Kyiv Post visited affected villages in Zhytomyr Oblast and near Chornobyl, part of the dozens of forest fires around the nation this spring, fueled by high winds and dry weather.

Russian filmmaker’s overhaul of Babyn Yar memorial provokes scandal
All is not well with the project to build a memorial to Holocaust victims

Love in the age of pandemic 
Ukrainian couples get creative during the lockdown.