You're reading: Ukraine Digest: Oct. 2

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Podcast: Zelensky’s media aversion fuels impunity

Since Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s early campaign days, many wondered how the former star comedian would handle the critical public eye once in a position of political power. Unfortunately, much like his predecessors, as president, Zelensky hasn’t been the most forthwith when journalists press him for answers on corruption and reform. He can be dismissive, demeaning, and sometimes outright hostile to the press. This week we sit down with editor-in-chief Brian Bonner to discuss Zelensky’s rhetoric toward the press, and why it continues to occur in a country where journalists have been murdered for seeking the truth.

Read our editorial: “Misplaced aggression”

Listen to the podcast

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Pavlo, Please Come Home

Giant print edition?! President Viktor Yushchenko threatens to extradite ex-Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, convicted of money laundering in the United States and serving a prison sentence. The aim appears to be taunting Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Lazarenko’s former business protege who got obscenely wealthy on trading Russian natural gas in the 1990s. Yushchenko disappoints U.S. investors on his trip to Washington, D.C., where he met U.S. President George W. Bush. Vladimir Putin rewrites history. Ukraine-Russia relations deteriorate. Stepan Bandera: Hero or Nazi sympathizer? Kyiv infrastructure disasters and ways to avoid them. Born to be rich: Ukraine’s oligarchs & their kids.

Read the Oct. 2, 2008 edition