You're reading: Ukraine exports 4.61 million tonnes of grain and legumes

Ukraine since the beginning of the 2021/2022 marketing year (MY, July-June) and as of August 13 had exported 4.61 million tonnes of grain and leguminous crops, which is 10% more than on the same date of the previous MY.

According to the information and analytical portal of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, to date, 1.82 million tonnes of wheat (23.5% less compared to the same date 2020/2021MY), 1.62 million tonnes of barley (19.6% more), 1.15 million tonnes of corn (2.3 times more), and 16,200 tonnes of flour (1.5 times less) have been exported.

As of the indicated date, 5,100 tonnes of rye were also exported, which is 17 times more than the indicators of the last MY.

As reported, the export of wheat in the 2020/2021 MY amounted to 16.64 million tonnes, corn – 23.08 million tonnes, barley – 4.23 million tonnes, flour – 129,000 tonnes.

In addition, Ukraine in the 2019/2020 MY exported 56.72 million tonnes of grain and leguminous crops.