The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, has ratified an agreement between the Ukrainian and Finnish governments on the implementation of the project “Finland’s Support to the Ukrainian School Reform.”
A total of 247 MPs voted for a respective bill (No. 0190) at a plenary meeting on July 3.
According to the agreement, as part of the project implementation it is planned to attract up to EUR 6 million as technical assistance from Finland to support the reform of secondary education in Ukraine.
The project is to be implemented in 2018-2021.
The annex to the agreement says that the project is nationwide and will focus on three thematic areas related to each other, in particular, the development of teachers’ competence, the popularization of education and the educational environment.
The explanatory note notes that this project corresponds to the basic needs of the concept “New Ukrainian School.” In particular, it is planned to prepare primary school teachers (grades 1-4) for the introduction into the educational process of a state standard of primary education, which was developed in line with a competency-based approach.