You're reading: Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Parubiy to run in elections on July 21

Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada Chairman Andriy Parubiy has said he will be running in the early parliamentary elections scheduled for July 21.

“I’m certainly going to run in these parliamentary elections. I’ll be running together with a team of like-minded associates, together with whom I’ve worked both in and outside parliament all these years,” Parubiy said at a congress of the European Solidarity Party (the former Bloc of Petro Poroshenko “Solidarity” Party) in Kyiv on Friday.

It is important for the whole of Ukraine that “the future parliament includes enough lawmakers who cannot be bribed or intimidated and who will stand firmly and unfailingly on Ukrainian positions; on positions of the Ukrainian agenda,” he said.

This team will lead Ukraine to the European Union and NATO, he said.

Parubiy was elected to the 8th Verkhovna Rada on the ticket of the Popular Front party led by Arseniy Yatsenyuk.