You're reading: UkrInform: SBU blocks sale of weapons in various regions of Ukraine

Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) blocked the illegal storage and sale of weapons and ammunition in various regions of the country as part of the campaign for countering sale of weapons, the SBU’s press center has said.

“The operatives of the SBU directorate in Kharkiv region, under procedural control of the prosecutor’s office, documented two cases of the sale by a resident of Dnipropetrovsk region of seven RGD-5 and F-1 grenades, five RPG-22 and RPG-26 grenade launchers and almost 1,500 cartridges to a Kalashnikov machine gun. The culprit sold military means of defeat on the territory of Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions,” the statement reads.

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