You're reading: US calls on Russia to end detention of Crimean Tatar activists

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine calls on the Russian Federation to end the illegal occupation of Crimea and respect human rights in Ukraine.

“Russia-controlled ‘courts’ have no right to continue the detention of Crimean Tatar activists in Simferopol, Ukraine. We call on Russia to cease its illegal occupation of Crimea and respect Ukrainian human rights. #CrimeaIsUkraine,” the Embassy wrote on Twitter on Feb. 11.

As previously reported, the so-called Kyivsky district “court” of Simferopol extended the preventive measure in the form of detention until March 15 to illegally detained Crimean Tatars in the Hizb ut-Tahrir case: Rize Izzetov, Yashar Muyedinov, Raim Aivazov, Vladlen Abdulkadyrov and Medzhit Abdurakhmanov. Earlier the same “court” extended detention to Dzhemil Gafarov, Osman Arifmemetov, Remzi Bekirov, Farkhod Bazarov and Rustem Seitkhalilov.

In total, 25 people appear in the case.