You're reading: Volker, Surkov yet not planning to meet to discuss Donbas

U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker has not got in contact with Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov on the issue of settling the situation in Donbas after the latter reappointment’s to his post.

“We don’t have any meeting planned. I’m always open to meeting with him. Last time we spoke was in January. Then he was reappointed to his position. We had a brief exchange of words,” Volker said in an interview with the 112 Ukraine television channel on July 24, when asked whether he plans to meet with Surkov in the near future.

According to him, National Security Advisor John Bolton will be engaged in this process, and now, perhaps, Russia will want to make more progress than before.

On June 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree reappointing Surkov as his aide.