Ukraine is one of the most active nations when it comes to peacekeeping. Since 1991, more than 45,000 Ukrainians have participated in various peace support operations in the Balkans, Africa, and the Middle East. NATO is Ukraine’s big partner in this regard. Together with the 30-nation alliance, Kyiv recently concluded its mission in Afghanistan, and it has boots on the ground in Kosovo with NATO-led mission KFOR. And even more is ahead: Ukraine wants to send its peacekeepers to Bosnia and Iraq.
So why is it important and useful to Ukrainian soldiers?
Join our expert panel to find out. “How Ukraine’s participation in peacekeeping missions advances nation’s readiness for NATO” will be streamed online at 4 p.m. on Oct. 27 from the Kyiv Post studio.
The livestream will be available on our YouTube, Facebook events and Twitter pages in Ukrainian.
The English-language version will be uploaded later.
The discussion will be moderated by Kyiv Post defense reporter Illia Ponomarenko. Speakers include: Ilya Yehorov, Army Land Forces Command, Training Command, Mechanized and Tank Units Training Department, Deputy Chief; Oleksandr Kosynskiy, most senior non-commissioned officer of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, a veteran of peacekeeping missions in Sierra Leone and Iraq; and Taras Chmut, Marine veteran, head of Come Back Alive charity and chief editor of Ukrainian Military Portal website.