You're reading: Zelensky promises to prevent increase in prices

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has promised not to allow food prices to increase in the regions of the country and tough measures against profiteers.

In his appeal to the Ukrainians on March 26, he recalled that on March 25, a meeting was held with local authorities.

“We understand the top-priority needs of all regions and work around the clock to meet these needs. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is working on the relevant tasks. Some decisions have already been made at previous meetings, the others will be made today,” the president said.

According to him, it’s not just about personal protective means and medical equipment. “This includes the work of critical objects in the regions, support for small businesses, continuous social payments to the population, and ensuring a spring sowing campaign,” Zelensky noted.

The head of state noted that the government does its utmost to prevent the increase in prices of essential products and goods in the regions. “As the calls to the conscience of some sellers did not work, there will be a package of tough measures that will ruin the plans of all profiteers,” he said.