You're reading: Zelensky signs decree on development of Carpathian region

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree “On the development of the region of the Ukrainian Carpathians.”

“The document is aimed at stimulating socio-economic development, increasing investment attractiveness, development of the recreational, tourist and ethno-cultural potential of the region of the Ukrainian Carpathians,” the presidential press service said on July 22.

The president ordered the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to approve the State Program for the Development of the Region of the Ukrainian Carpathians for 2020-2022 within two months, taking into account the Concept for the Development of Mountain Territories of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Also, the government should provide in the draft law on the state budget of Ukraine for 2020 and subsequent years the costs necessary for the implementation of this state program.