You're reading: Ukraine Says Two More Russian Fighter Jets Downed

Ukraine’s air force has said it destroyed a pair of Russian two Su-35C jets during a fierce dogfight in the skies close to midnight on March 1. The air battle took place against two Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jets in combination “with anti-aircraft guided missiles of the S-300 complex,” the air force said on its Facebook page.

As a result, Ukraine lost one aircraft, and the search is now under way to find the MiG pilot.

“Yes, today the enemy predominates in the quantity and quality of aircraft and weapons, but the Air Force is doing everything possible to clear the Ukrainian sky of the enemy’s presence,” the social media post said.

Russian-made Su-35 jets are “multirole supermaneuverable one-seat fighters designed to engage air, ground threats and to counteract naval surface forces of an enemy,” RosOboronExport says of the plane’s features.