You're reading: Liz Truss Resigns as British Prime Minister

Liz Truss quit her role as leader of the Conservative Party and prime minister of Britain following a tumultuous month of controversy and bitter infighting.

Truss, who was prime minister for just 44 days, replaced Boris Johnson who resigned following pressure from his own cabinet.

The spat comes amid an outpouring of criticism towards Truss over her failed economic plan, u-turns, and failure to implement pledges she had made during her leadership campaign.

Graham Brady, leader of the 1922 Committee that essentially governs the Conservative Party, said that a new British PM should be in place by Friday – with many suspecting her replacement to be recently appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt.

Speaking outside the House of Commons, Brady said that further details of the process to replace Truss would be announced later today.

“It will be possible to conduct a ballot and conclude a leadership election by Friday, 28 October,” he said.

After a long spell of controversies from the British government over the past year, Truss’s resignation comes as a further embarrassment on the world stage, with French President Emmanuel Macron being one of the first leaders to make comment, saying that the UK needs to “find stability as soon as possible.”

“I want to say that France, as a nation and as a people who are friends of the British people, wishes above all for stability in the context that we know, which is a context of war,” Macron told the media while attending a European Union summit in Brussels.

“Personally, I am always sad to see a colleague leave, but what I want is to see this stability return as soon as possible,” he added.

Despite announcing in the House of Commons yesterday that she was “not a quitter,” Truss posted the following statement on Twitter late this afternoon:

“There will be a leadership election to be completed in the next week. This will ensure we remain on a path to deliver our fiscal plans and maintain our country’s economic stability and national security. I will remain as prime minister until a successor has been chosen.

“I recognise however that, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party. I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party.

“We delivered on energy bills and on cutting national insurance. We have continued to stand with Ukraine and to protect our own security. And we set out a vision for a low-tax, high-growth economy – that would take advantage of the freedoms of Brexit.”