In 2012, the state budget of Ukraine received about 1.5 billion UAH from tourism facilities tax, head of the State Tourism Agency of Ukraine Olena Shapovalova told a briefing at the Cabinet of Ministers, ForUm correspondent reports.
“Ukraine has appeared on the world tourism map due to Euro 2012. This is evidenced by the financial results of the past year. Hotels, health resorts and tour operators paid about 1.5 billion Hr, which is 19.5% more than indicator of 2011, which amounted to 1.2 billion Hr,” she said.
According to Shapovalova, last year there was paid 38.4 million Hr of tourist tax, which is 38.3% more than in 2011. “There was a positive dynamics of foreign tourists visiting Ukraine, in particular due to Euro 2012. Last year, their number was 24.6 million, which is 2.8% more than in 2011.