Articles by forUm

ForUm: State financial inspection to audit budget 2014 compliance

ForUm: American Chamber of Commerce supports economic reforms in Ukraine

ForUm: Yanukovych, Ashton discuss Ukraine crisis


ForUm: Secrets of guest house, or why Kyiv does not have cheap hotels?

forUm: Ukraine urges foreign states to show restraint

forUm: New Year’s wishes for Ukraine

ForUm: Additional forces of internal troops arriving in Kyiv

ForUm: Kyiv beautification costs Hr 700 million

ForUm: Ukraine needs € 160 billion for competition in EU market – Azarov

forUm: Suslov: Russia does not like geopolitical choice of Ukraine

forUm: Ukraine offers incentives to gas, oil investors

ForUm: Ukraine, US deepen space cooperation

forUM: Ukrainians prefer domestic foods

forUm: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine declares that Ukrainians do not fight …

forUm: Arbuzov: Coming Association with EU unites Ukraine

Forum: Ukraine to promote Internet cyrillic segment

Forum: Visegrad Group urges Ukraine not to be afraid of Russia

ForUm: Energy minister promises heat tariffs won’t be raised

ForUm: Heating season starts in Kyiv

Expert: Ukraine must adopt a law on weapons

ForUm: Ukraine men’s basketball team goes to 2nd phase

ForUm: Large-scale privatization ends, Yanukovych says

Onishchenko: Return of Roshen to Russia may be delayed for years

ForUm: Russian Ambassador to Ukraine names condition for cheaper gas for Ukraine

forUm: Every second Ukrainian filling station sells low quality petrol

forUm: American pranks, or How to react on desecration of Ukrainian flag

Forum: Hr 151 million stolen in road sector in first half of 2013

Forum: Ukraine shows positive trend in Association signing, says Fule

forUm: Ukraine continues dialogue with countries on foreign car duties

forUm: Yanukovych demands impartial investigation into incident in Azov Sea

forUm: Arbuzov requires ensure safety on roads

forUm: NBU predicts further reduction in current account deficit

forUm: EBRD not to cut financing projects in Ukraine

ForUm: Poland to open new visa centers in Ukraine

ForUm: Italy supports European aspirations of Ukraine

ForUm: Regions instructed to cancel increase in public utilities rates

ForUm: Ukraine is main participant of Eastern Partnership

forUm: Zakharchenko promises restore violated rights of journalists

forUm: Almost five hundred fires already occurred in Ukraine

forUm: Transition to second phase of visa liberalization with EU may start in November

ForUm: Yanukovych to decide when he comes to Parliament

Kozhara hopes Croatia to continue supporting Ukraine’s European integration

ForUm: Lithuania to support European aspirations of Ukraine, Yanukovych hopes

Ukraine, Russia to build NPPs in third countries

Lebedev: Territorial conflicts are possible in Ukraine

ForUm: Ukraine simplifies rules for business registration

ForUm: EU-Ukraine visa facilitation agreement comes into force

ForUm: Cox-Kwasniewski mission extremely important for Association Agreement signing, says …

ForUm: Constitution needs to be improved, Rybak sure

Forum: Ukraine may have delays in issuance of foreign passports

Ukrainian tourism won’t be advertized for foreigners this year

forUm: Foreign ministry says Ukraine’s course towards Europe unchanged

forUm: Animals in Kyiv zoo die from loud music, amusements, ecologist says

forUm: Law prohibiting homosexual discrimination to be passed in Ukraine, says Kozhara

forUm: Azarov: Ukraine to continue seeking revision of contract with Gazprom

forUm: Ukraine’s course towards EU unchanged, Azarov says

forUm: Protesters break into Kyiv Council

forUm: Ukraine offers NATO troop withdrawal from Afghanistan through its territory

forUm: Davos-2013 – New hopes of the world and Ukraine

forUm: Ambassador Bayer says Ukraine is Hungary’s friend, neighbour and partner

forUm: Yanukovych proposes to create Ukraine-Lithuania business forum

forUm: Azarov instructs Ministries to prepare for possible floods

forUm: Three Ukrainians released from captivity in Tajikistan