The atmosphere on May 28 evening meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart, Alexandr Lukashenko, was strikingly businesslike considering the intensity of Western condemnations of the act of “air piracy” five days prior. It was up to Putin, who played host in his Sochi residence, to set the tone of the conversation, and he firmly downplayed the importance of the Belarusian authorities’ hijacking of Ryanair Flight 4978 and capture of journalist Roman Protasevich and his Russian citizen girlfriend, Sofia Sapega. According to the Russian leader, there was plenty to discuss besides the “outburst of emotions” around these “events” (, May 28). Meanwhile, Lukashenka was keen to decry Western pressure and brought a case full of “documents” proving the legitimacy of his actions, but Putin suggested the pair should take a swim instead (Kommersant, May 29). Their talks lasted five hours and concluded past midnight; the next rainy day, the pair schmoozed on the presidential yacht instead of swimming. They refrained from a joint statement or a press conference (Izvestia, May 30).

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