Viktor Fedorovych!
Yesterday, moving around the prison that you have turned my hospital room into, I saw on all the TV channels videos of my prison life, filmed with hidden cameras. Given the extreme immorality of your action, I decided to write you this open letter.
Firstly – I confirm the authenticity of 90 percent of these recordings, especially the parts involving my physical therapy sessions with a physical therapist in the treatment room.
Secondly – The video from the treatment room and other premises were made with hidden surveillance cameras that were installed on direct orders from you. Now the fact of constant hidden video surveillance has been proved and this is your crime.
Thirdly – Many of the medical procedures that take place in the treatment room require that I undress, and the hidden video cameras record all of this and continue to record this during the entire period of my treatment. This is a moral crime that you are committing.
Fourthly – Prison staff that support me, after the videos were shown on TV, gave me a plan with the exact location of these hidden video cameras that were installed on your orders in the rooms where I spend time.
The public may be interested in knowing that there are three cameras in the room for confidential meetings with my lawyers, two cameras in the shower stall and one above each of the two toilets (sorry for the details).
There are so many hidden surveillance cameras that it’s impossible to hide from them, day or night.
And lastly – There is a special room by my prison cell with monitors showing round-the-clock video of me. Male officers who work in the colony are responsible for it, male officers that work in the prosecutor’s office cover it up, and male officers working in the SBU provide technical support.
This is done demonstratively, openly, before my eyes, obviously for additional psychological pressure. Unfortunately, the officers that serve the president take their cue from him.
These videos are sent to you electronically every day.

In connection with these circumstances I don’t have any requests or suggestions for you.
Should I ask you to stop this disgrace? But you organized it yourself. Should I ask you to open a criminal case against those doing this dirty work? But will your prosecutor general open a criminal case against you? You’re the ideologue, organizer and executor of this unprecedented disgusting act. Therefore, I have only three questions that I ask you to respond to publicly.
First – What is it that you personally want to see on the videos made with the hidden cameras in the shower, toilet, prison call, rooms where I undergo treatment fully undressed?
What do you do with these films? Do you watch them alone or in cheerful company with friends? Maybe you get more self-confidence in your political capability by watching a female political opponent naked? Maybe you enjoy this specific power over your political opponent and it makes you feel stronger and more successful?
If you answered all these questions positively, then this, Viktor Fedorovych, is a diagnosis and you need to urgently seek anonymous treatment, because it may become chronic.
Second question. When will your channels show the continuation of this series that you find so interesting? When can we expect nude videos? Maybe you think that by showing these materials you’re humiliating me? No. You’re humiliating yourself, showing Ukraine and the world your true self. All the videos made with hidden cameras about my prison life turn you in the eyes of normal people into…better that you now know…
And my last question. Perhaps you’d like to try putting your wife Lyudmyla or your mother, if she’s still alive, under constant public video surveillance and shown live on the Internet? Show on your channels how they live, how they sleep, how they undress, take a shower, or do their business. If you have such exotic fantasies to secretly monitor the private life of women like a “behind the glass” show, start with the women in your family.
Maybe then you’ll understand the difference between sadism and morality, between vileness and dignity.
Given that I know very well who I’m dealing with and fully understand your psychological portrait, I don’t blame you for anything. I even forgive you.
You are the way you are. And nobody can change you. Darwinism can’t change a jackal into a lion, or vice versa.
Besides these questions, I don’t have any requests from you.
My request is to all the women of Ukraine and the world with dignity, honor and solidarity. Before you speak with Yanukovych, just recall that he is watching, round-the-clock, the prison life of his female political opponent through cameras hidden in the toilet. And don’t shake his hand, because you’ll never be able to wash it clean.
I have the same request to the men of Ukraine and abroad who love their mothers, wives, daughters and sisters.
Don’t shake hands with Yanukovych, because by doing so you are humiliating all women with dignity, you are supporting Yanukovych and his dirty daily activities.
And you, Viktor Fedorovych, I am informing that I am refusing “treatment” that is under video cameras aired on TV and the Internet, and is more like being in the torture chambers of the GULAG. In those conditions people are crippled, not treated.
I demand that I be returned to the colony in the condition I am. I will be treated when I am free, when you are no longer prying on me through a keyhole.
I hope the European Court of Human Rights makes a judgment that will make Ukrainians understand who you are and will remove you as president along with your mafia.
Without respect to you,
Yulia Tymoshenko
Oct. 17, 2012