Articles by Yulia Tymoshenko

Yulia Tymoshenko: Keeping Europe’s eastern promise

Yulia Tymoshenko: Vladimir Putin brings darkness to the edge of Europe

Yulia Tymoshenko: A vote for Ukrainian freedom


Tymoshenko: ‘I do not believe Putin will stop’

Yulia Tymoshenko: The Yalta temptation

Yulia Tymoshenko: Crimea will always be Ukrainian

Yulia Tymoshenko: Opposition must react urgently to new dictatorship

Yulia Tymoshenko: ‘Act, otherwise they will act!’

Tymoshenko press service: Court restricts Serhiy Vlasenko’s ability to visit Yulia …

Tymoshenko says 2014 will start ‘cleansing of Ukraine from dictatorship and tyranny’

As long as Yanukovych is in power, Ukraine is under risk of losing independence

Tymoshenko: Force Yanukovych to resign now

A prisoner’s reflection on Nelson Mandela

Believe in yourself and believe in us!

Tymoshenko to Yanukovych: ‘Your fear is so evident’

Yulia Tymoshenko’s appeal to opposition members of parliament

Yulia Tymoshenko’s address to the Yalta European Strategy conference from prison

Tymoshenko: Yanukovych stole election from Ukrainian people

Tymoshenko: Remove Yanukovych’s mafia

Tymoshenko: Elections ‘already rigged, stop this dictatorship’

Tymoshenko: Stand up to fight!

Official statement by Yulia Tymoshenko: ‘I thought these were the last minutes of my life’

Tymoshenko: ‘Corrupt judges sentenced themselves, not Yuriy Lutsenko’

A prisoner’s Christmas

Tymoshenko: Dictatorships always end disgracefully

Official statement by Yulia Tymoshenko

Tymoshenko: Sign deal ‘no matter my fate’

Tymoshenko’s address to the Ukrainian people, recorded before arrest (VIDEO)

Egypt, Tunisia and betrayal of democratic revolutions

Project Syndicate: The revolution betrayed

Tymoshenko calls on IMF not to finance RosUkrEnergo ‘corruption’

Europe will soon find a new dictatorship right on its doorstep

Europe will awake to a dictatorship on its doorstep

Ukrainians can save democratic Orange Revolution on Feb. 7

Yulia Tymoshenko: Taking back Akhmetov’s companies