World Affairs Journal: An isolated Yanukovych

A man holds on March 15, 2013 a placard depicting the shadow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych wearing a crown and reading \"Down! \"during a opposition rally in Uzhgorod, some 700 km from Kiev. AFP PHOTO/ OLEXANDER ZOBIN
A behind-the-scenes powerbroker most people have never heard of has some interesting things to say about the Yanukovych regime and the Regionnaires in a recent interview. The 63-year-old Hennadi Moskal has occupied a variety of highly placed positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service and has also served as governor of Luhansk and Zakarpattya provinces and as President Yushchenko’s permanent representative to the Crimea. In a word, Moskal knows both the “power ministries” and the country. He also happens to have been a parliamentary deputy for a few years, most recently having been elected in October 2012 on the democratic-opposition ticket.