World Affairs Journal: Regime incoherence in Yanukovych’s Ukraine

How can you explain the jaw-dropping incoherence of the Yanukovych regime? They blithely give away the store to the Russians in the April 2010 Kharkiv Accords, but they’re skittish about joining the Russian-led Customs Union. They pursue integration with the European Union, but crudely violate European legal standards by persecuting their political opponents. They declare an anticorruption drive, but retain fantastic villas and shamelessly fix tenders. They pass a law on freedom of information, but constrict freedom of the press. With this kind of record, can anyone be certain that the Parliament’s recently passed endorsement of a free-trade zone with the EU represents an irreversible turn toward Europe?
There are three possible explanations of this incoherence. Let’s look at them, in order of increasing likeliness.
Read the story here.
There are three possible explanations of this incoherence. Let’s look at them, in order of increasing likeliness.
Read the story here.