Dmitry Bezzubov
law professor
“Nemtsov was the main opposition. Now there is no systemic opposition in Russia. Nemtsov’s colleagues do not have that charm and charisma that he had. Nemtsov was a bridge that connected Russia and Ukraine. Now we do not have this bridge. This case, as (the 1994 murder of TV journalist Vladislav) Listyev, will not be closed.”
Tatyana Lysaya

“We saw how sharp Nemtsov’s speeches were. Especially the last one when he said: ‘Russia and Ukraine – without Putin.’ These events will worsen the situation inside Russia. Earlier people there had less information about Ukraine and it was distorted, but after these last events, I think, Russians will know more about events in Ukraine and maybe they will react better.”
Anatoly Zykin

“Nemtsov was not the main enemy for Vladimir Putin. His killing was not a big interest for the Russian president. I think he was killed by other enemies of Putin. Ukraine-Russian relations are so bad now that this killing will not have any effect at all.”
Marianna Bostan

“Putin went too far. Even this murder doesn’t surprise any more. I don’t want to associate Putin with all of Russia, but not only he is guilty in this. During (Josef) Stalin’s times, so many people were killed and there were also people who contributed to those murders.”
Anastasia Pavlenko

“No one will ever know the truth about this killing.”