
Anatoly Mozha­rovsky


“Over 23 years the country was looted. The relations between Poroshenko and Kolomoisky influence nothing. What is really matters is that the system remained to be bandits and thieves, where everything is done for money. All these games with resignations, assignments, arrests, fights with corruption, are designed for silly people.”


Oleksandr Kirilkov


“His resignation was the right step. It should not be so, that he captures UkrNafta (a state-owned oil company). And he can’t talk in such a way with journalists. He should remember that he held a high position and could not allow himself such things.”


Tetyana Marochko


“If the person is at his right place, it does not matter who he is, an oligarch or a simple official. If he brings benefit to the state, let him work.”


Valentin Rynkov

office administrator

“Young progressive politicians should be responsible for reforms, not the oligarchs who act in their own interests not in the interests of people”.