Articles by Adrian Karatnycky

Adrian Karatnycky: Naftogaz drama highlights Ukraine’s politics of personal destruction

Daniel Fried, Adrian Karatnycky: A new sanctions strategy to contain Putin’s Russia

Adrian Karatnycky: Ukraine cracks down on its own pro-Russian QAnon


Adrian Karatnycky: Ukraine’s unlikely new political heavyweight

Adrian Karatnycky: Rejection of Vitrenko highlights Ukraine’s broken politics

Adrian Karatnycky: Ukraine on trial

Adrian Karatnycky: Zelensky’s old new faces

Alexander Motyl, Adrian Karatnycky: Zelensky’s moment of reckoning

Adrian Karatnycky: Zelensky puts EuroMaidan Revolution on trial

Adrian Karatnycky, Alexander Motyl: The end of Zelensky’s honeymoon

Adrian Karatnycky: Prisoner exchange lifts the veil on Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky: Now comes the hard part for Zelensky

Adrian Karatnycky: Transition challenges for an outsider president

Adrian Karatnycky: A Ukrainian oligarch waits in the wings

Adrian Karatnycky: Viceroys in Kyiv?

Adrian Karatnycky: Why the West loves Poroshenko again

Adrian Karatnycky: Ukraine is Moscow’s Guinea pig

Adrian Karatnycky: Ukraine, anti-Semitism, racism, and the far right​

Adrian Karatnycky: Why the Russian fuss over ‘fascist salute’ at World Cup backfired

Adrian Karatnycky and Alexander J. Motyl: What Ukraine’s anticorruption warriors forget, …

Adrian Karatnycky, Alexander Motyl: How Western anticorruption policy is failing Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky: What Ukraine urgently needs isn’t what you think

Adrian Karatnycky: Ukraine politicians embrace extreme rhetoric

Adrian Karatnycky: Why there’s more to Alex Ovechkin’s Team Putin movement than meets the …

Adrian Karatnycky: Why Ukraine’s week of protests quickly fizzled

Adrian Karatnycky: Trump and Poroshenko – the billionaire boys club

Adrian Karatnycky: Why Trump is wrong about Ukrainian interference in US elections

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s dangerous new Ukraine doctrine

Adrian Karatnycky: How Trump became a Russia skeptic

Adrian Karatnycky: Watching the watchdogs – why Ukraine’s NGOs should disclose assets, too

Adrian Karatnycky: Why Trump cannot ignore Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky: Ukraine’s anti-corruption fight makes strides

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s latest Crimean gambit

Adrian Karatnycky: EuroMaidan leaders launch new party in Ukraine. Can it succeed?

Adrian Karatnycky and Alan Riley: OCCRP is on weak ground with Petro Poroshenko offshore …

Alan Riley and Adrian Karatnycky: Ukrainian innocent caught in Panama Papers web

Adrian Karatnycky: Time for Ukraine to press reset button

Adrian Karatnycky: Early elections in Ukraine are scarier than you think

Adrian Karatnycky: Into and out of the abyss in Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky: Only presidential leadership can avert Ukraine’s perfect storm

Adrian Karatnycky: The case against Saakashvili

Adrian Karatnycky: A dilemma in the crackdown on corruption in Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky: A democratic misstep for Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky and Alexander J. Motyl: How Putin’s Ukrainian dream turned into a …

Adrian Karatnycky and Alexander J. Motyl: Putin tries to change the subject

Adrian Karatnycky: Kyiv gets a grip on Ukraine’s internal divisions

Adrian Karatnycky: Obama’s strong signal to Putin

Anders Aslund, John Herbst and Adrian Karatnycky: Exclusive briefing on the state of …

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s big lie turns reality on its head

Adrian Karatnycky: Mr. Lavrov builds his dream

Alan Riley and Adrian Karatnycky: If Minsk fails, let Moscow pay

Adrian Karatnycky: Waiting for Poland

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s warlords slip out of control

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s secrets and lies

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s Chechen connection (VIDEO)

Adrian Karatnycky: Now Obama must arm Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky: Making the most of Minsk

Adrian Karatnycky: Warlords and armed groups threaten Ukraine’s rebuilding

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s Project Sparta

Adrian Karatnycky: Obama can’t admit Romney was right about Russia

Adrian Karatnycky: Putin’s Ukraine assault – in a shambles but far from over

Adrian Karatnycky: The pushback in Ukraine

Adrian Karatnycky: To save Ukraine, pressure its oligarchs