Articles by David J.

David Kramer, Vlad Kobets: West gets serious with Lukashenko

David Kramer, Eric Edelman: The Biden-Putin Summit has opened the floodgates

David J. Kramer: Table for two


David J. Kramer: Is Biden going soft on Putin?

David Kramer: Navalny’s brutal treatment is the rule, not the exception

David J. Kramer: Biden’s Putin challenge

David J. Kramer: No, now is not the time for another Russia reset

Arch Puddington, David J. Kramer: The pandemic and a free press

David Kramer: Pompeo should go – and I don’t mean to Ukraine

David J. Kramer: A rough start in 2020 to US-Ukraine relations

Carpenter, Kobets, Kramer: Why Putin’s threat to Belarus can’t be ignored

David Kramer: Those who worked with Trump must now tell Congress what they know

David Kramer: A Trump-Zelensky meeting? On second thought

David Kramer: Russia’s return to G7 is a terrible idea

David J. Kramer and John E. Herbst: Ukraine inaugurates new president

David Kramer: What Zelenskiy’s victory means for Ukraine

David J. Kramer: Ukraine is really a testing ground

David J. Kramer: I’m on Putin’s list, but I’m not the victim

David J. Kramer: Russia isn’t the answer to America’s problems with North Korea

David J. Kramer: No bailouts for Putin

David J. Kramer: It’s time to scrap the Minsk agreement

David J. Kramer: The best ways to help Ukraine

David J. Kramer: Putin’s spell over John Kerry

David J. Kramer: The West should take on the Putin PR machine

David J. Kramer: Is Russia’s outreach on Syria a bid to distract from Ukraine?

David J. Kramer: US weapons in Ukraine and eastern Europe?

David J. Kramer: The Ukraine invasion – one year later

David J. Kramer: On military aid, Obama administration zig-zags

David J. Kramer: Six ways to help Ukraine resist Russia’s latest invasion

David J. Kramer: There will be no ‘win-win’ deal with Putin

David J. Kramer: The dangerous Mr. Putin

David J. Kramer: US must move now

David J. Kramer: The West should cripple Russia with sanctions

David J. Kramer: Action, not words, needed for Ukraine

David J. Kramer: U.S. foreign policy comes home to roost with Russia’s action in Ukraine

David J. Kramer: Yanukovych should resign

David Kramer: Ukraine’s future imperiled under Yanukovych

Freedom House: Ukraine’s rejection of EU agreement betrays democracy

Yanukovych splits society with deals

Polarizing politics in Ukraine

Yanukovych needs to keep Ukraine on democratic path