Articles by David Marples

Belarusians Facing Discrimination and Blame For Russia’s War in Ukraine

David Marples: The quest for hegemony

David Marples: Strife in Ukraine is Europe’s most daunting problem


David Marples: Ukrainian language law should not threaten Kyiv Post’s existence

David Marples: Assessing Ukraine’s options

David Marples: The aftermath of MH17

David Marples: Long live the Donetsk People’s Republic!

David Marples: Putin’s dwindling options in Ukraine

David Marples: ‘King coal’ and the future of the Ukrainian Donbas

David Marples: The war over Ukraine

David Marples: What do Ukrainians want?

What Putin, Lukashenko and Yanukovych share

Acceptable compromises and shared hypocrisies

Ukraine on eve of parliamentary elections

Language law a ploy to distract voters

Ukraine’s gas problems and how to resolve them

The West’s options in Belarus

What will Ukraine’s leaders surrender?

Russia and Ukraine: A new stage in the gas war

Firtash-led ‘party of war’ in charge?

Ukraine’s economic prospects improving

Chornobyl’s legacy in Ukraine: Beyond the United Nations reports

Edmonton Journal: Recent past weighs heavily on Ukraine

Edmonton Journal: Why Ukraine is not a rerun of Chernobyl

Documenting a tragedy

Let’s put civility back into historical debates

The Byabenin affair in Belarus

Edmonton Journal: Medvedev condemns Stalin’s Russia

Moscow Times: Turning bad blood into good

Yanukovych fails to negotiate on Ukraine’s behalf

Can anyone stop Yanukovych from being elected the next president of Ukraine?

Genocide or not, Stalin starved millions to death and Soviet regime concealed for 54 years

Divided nation is its own worst enemy in countering Russia