Articles by Iryna Yeroshko

Week in wacky pictures

Poroshenko slashes Soviet-era extras for former officials

Bandershtat festival celebrates Ukrainian nationalism, heroes


At least 363 soldiers killed in Russia’s war against Ukraine

Ukrainian media release videos to boost morale, love for nation’s army (VIDEO)

City officials under attack in Ukraine

Children, activists and scientists killed in Ukraine’s summer skies

Iryna Yeroshko: Central and Eastern European scholars care about Ukraine

SBU releases more conversations implicating Russia in shooting down Malaysia Airlines …

At least 270 soldiers killed in Russia’s war against Ukraine

Central bank struggles to give shaky hryvnia a softer landing

Parliament confirms Poroshenko nominations for foreign minister, central bank, prosecutor …

New documentary ‘Battle for Ukraine’ follows evolution of crisis from EuroMaidan to war in …

Vox Populi with Iryna Yeroshko: Can Ukraine avoid a full-scale war with Russia and, if so, …

Vox Populi with Iryna Yeroshko: What should the government do to stop separatists in …

Putin’s fiercely patriotic Russian biker friend says Crimea only start, Kyiv is next

Making sense of Ukraine’s new ‘survival’ taxes

Healing Ukraine’s poor business climate with European integration

Sales loom for state giants

Vox Populi with Iryna Yeroshko: Do you think Russia will invade Ukraine’s mainland?

UN General Assembly overwhelmingly condemns Russian annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea

Vox Populi with Iryna Yeroshko: Would you be willing to fight to retake Ukraine’s Crimean …

Ukraine’s parliament approves Hr 6.7 billion for defense, mobilization of armed forces

Ukraine: Russia shows ‘complete disregard’ for Black Sea Fleet agreement in Crimea

Political upheaval spurs coming, going on Ukraine’s borders

Maidan is more than protest; to some, it’s a trademark

Profile of Evgeny Zhilin, a Yanukovych supporter willing to use force against EuroMaidan …

Ukrainian Wikipedia protests law curbing free speech