Articles by Judy Dempsey

Judy Dempsey: The West cannot rescue arms control alone

Judy Dempsey: A new coherent energy policy in Europe

Judy Dempsey: Poland tests the EU’s future


Judy Dempsey: Has the EU lost the Western Balkans?

Judy Dempsey: Europe’s new walls

Judy Dempsey: Can Germany provide leadership to Europe?

Judy Dempsey: Will the Afghanistan debacle change your country’s foreign and security …

Judy Dempsey: Germany’s vote should set the pace for Europe

Judy Dempsey: Afghanistan will not make Europe a defense player

Judy Dempsey: Should the West talk to the Taliban?

Judy Dempsey: What are you reading?

Judy Dempsey: The Europe Angela Merkel leaves behind

Judy Dempsey: What are you reading?

Judy Dempsey: What are you reading?

Judy Dempsey: Russia-Europe relations depend on Moscow confronting the past

Judy Dempsey: Is NATO ready for China?

Judy Dempsey: Is NATO ready for China?

Judy Dempsey: Nord Stream 2 is Germany’s, Europe’s Achilles’ heel

Judy Dempsey: Can EU sanctions change Lukashenko?

Judy Dempsey: Europe is finally waking up over Belarus

Judy Dempsey: The powerlessness of the Palestinians

Judy Dempsey: Poland’s Constitution under siege

Judy Dempsey: Poland’s Constitution under siege

Judy Dempsey: Is the EU doing enough to fight coronavirus globally?

Judy Dempsey: Should NATO admit Ukraine?

Judy Dempsey: Bulgaria’s election

Judy Dempsey: Will the EU recovery fund happen?

Judy Dempsey: Why Europe need not fail over human rights

Judy Dempsey: How the coronavirus unveiled Merkel’s Germany

Judy Dempsey: How the legacy of Poland’s dissidents is being challenged

Judy Dempsey: Should the coronavirus accelerate European integration?

Judy Dempsey: Why the Europeans don’t have a Russia policy

Judy Dempsey: Is the Arctic Europe’s next headache?

Judy Dempsey: Why the European Union cannot do foreign policy

Judy Dempsey: Is the EU willing to defend human rights globally?

Judy Dempsey: The Baltic States rally for change in Belarus, Russia

Judy Dempsey: Is the EU too soft on Putin?

Judy Dempsey: Europe’s weak defense of its democracy

Judy Dempsey: Is the EU-China deal a mistake?

Judy Dempsey: Why Germany’s soldiers are denied armed drones

Judy Dempsey: Is Europe ready to work with the UN on China?

Judy Dempsey: The closing window for Angela Merkel and Joe Biden

Judy Dempsey: Europe’s slide away from democracy

Judy Dempsey: Can the EU solve the budget crisis?

Judy Dempsey: Germany needs to end Hungary and Poland’s blackmail

Judy Dempsey: Are Europe’s leaders ready for a Biden presidency?

Judy Dempsey: A strategic Europe after the 2020 US election?

Judy Dempsey: Is the US election a make or break for America?

Judy Dempsey: Europe must grow up and stop moaning about Trump

Judy Dempsey: Can the United States regain its global leadership?

Judy Dempsey: The EU’s ambiguous fight for the rule of law

Judy Dempsey: Is peace possible between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

Judy Dempsey: How citizens of Belarus and Bulgaria are held hostage

Judy Dempsey: Would coalitions of the willing strengthen EU foreign policy?

Judy Dempsey: Europe divided over Belarus’s future

Judy Dempsey: Is NATO paralyzed over the Greece-Turkey conflict?

Judy Dempsey: Germany’s role in Belarus and Russia

Judy Dempsey: What is Europe’s best way forward for Belarus?

Judy Dempsey: Belarus’s turn for change

Judy Dempsey: Belarus protests expose Europe’s flawed foreign policy

Judy Dempsey: Europe’s expensive coronavirus summit

Judy Dempsey: What are you reading? Part 2

Judy Dempsey: What are you reading?