Articles by Paul Roderick

Paul Gregory: Where are Biden and Merkel’s sanctions against Putin’s gas weapon?

Paul Gregory: Is Biden trying to sell Nord Stream 2 approval as a green energy initiative?

Paul Roderick Gregory: Biden gives Putin the Nord Stream prize and gets nothing in return


Paul Roderick Gregory: Limited sanctions, no summit

Paul Roderick Gregory: A Russian false-flag operation to invade Ukraine?

Paul Gregory: West’s ‘wokeness’ helped Russia to redefine a ‘prisoner of conscience’

Paul Roderick Gregory: Navalny proves too hot for ‘poisoner Putin’

Paul Roderick Gregory: Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict adds to Putin’s headaches

Paul Roderick Gregory: Navalny poisoning just a bump in the road for Nord Stream 2

Paul Gregory: Is Putin getting away with another poisoning?

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin’s best-laid plans for lifetime rule

Paul Gregory: The big winner in Ukraine scandal?

Paul Gregory: Putin attacks Ukraine again to boost his popularity at home

Paul Roderick Gregory: Overlooked in Putin’s reelection – the Kremlin’s challenge is from …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Why was Obama’s Justice Department silent on criminal activity by …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Sadly, we must rely on Russian oligarchs to reveal truth on Trump …

Paul Roderick Gregory: How Russia is playing Catalonia to get a reprieve on Crimea

Paul Roderick Gregory: What the ‘Great Terror’ taught autocrats

Paul Roderick Gregory: The real colluder with Russia isn’t Trump, it’s Germany

Paul Roderick Gregory: It’s not Trump, but public intellectuals and lobbyists who are …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Authoritative Putin think tank could not choose between Clinton and …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Kremlin claims Trump joined terrorists with an invented WMD excuse …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Nationwide protests against corruption catch Russia’s authorities …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Hackers in epaulets – a challenge to the consensus on Russian …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin plans for reelection without Crimea euphoria

Paul Roderick Gregory: Is Putin preparing to admit guilt for MH17?

Paul Roderick Gregory: Bad news for Russia on energy front

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin changes course as he gives up on Trump

Paul Roderick Gregory: No one mentions that the Russian trail leads to Democratic …

Paul Roderick Gregory: It’s time for Trump to call Ukraine’s ‘pro-Russian rebels’ what …

Paul Roderick Gregory: The Trump dossier is fake – and here are the reasons why

Paul Roderick Gregory: Why Russia cannot become our friend – memo to president Trump

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin already playing nuclear poker with Trump

Paul Roderick Gregory: Media wakes up to Russia’s ‘fake news’ only after it is applied …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a ‘crime,’ International Criminal …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Why Putin will never accept blame even though Russia’s downing of …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Russian combat medals put lie to Putin’s claim of no troops in …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin shuts down last Russian independent pollster

Paul Roderick Gregory: Under Russia’s new extremism laws, liking my writings on Ukraine …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Trump, deferring to Putin, deleted GOP platform’s call to supply …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Calm down, Brexit will not be a catastrophe

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin for life?

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin caught in huge Panama Papers scandal

Paul Roderick Gregory: Donald Trump’s foreign policy plan would give Putin exactly what he …

Paul Roderick Gregory: 10 reasons why Putin wins big in Syria while US gets nothing

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin changes September election rules to prop up his ‘United …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin hammers another nail in the coffin of the Russian economy

Paul Roderick Gregory: What if Vladimir Putin has Hillary Clinton’s emails?

Paul Roderick Gregory: According to British court, Putin is a likely accessory to …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Seven warnings to Donald Trump about Vladimir Putin

Paul Roderick Gregory: A Donald Trump moment is developing in Vladimir Putin’s Russia

Paul Roderick Gregory: Russia worries about shock economic scenarios

Paul Roderick Gregory: Truckers halt Moscow traffic as Putin shifts the blame

Paul Roderick Gregory: Why Putin makes a bad ally

Paul Roderick Gregory: Has Putin met his match in Russia’s truck drivers?

Paul Roderick Gregory: If Turkey and Russia continue fighting, it may threaten NATO’s …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Russia’s economic stagnation

Paul Roderick Gregory: Russia cooks its defense books

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin’s Syria narrative must win Russian public opinion – but it’ll …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin’s foreign legion

Paul Roderick Gregory: MH17 – A tragic mistake or deliberate state murder?

Paul Roderick Gregory: As Russia launches air strikes in Syria, Obama must make sure we …

Paul Roderick Gregory: Putin’s new world order