Articles by Sergii Leshchenko

Putin’s Energy Ally Medvedchuk Accused of Colluding Against Ukraine

At the Crossroads: 2021 assessed, 2022 previewed

Op-Ed: Poroshenko Scandal Shatters pre-Christmas Lull


De-oligarchization – What’s Happening and What’s at Stake

Sergii Leshchenko: Kharkiv chooses successor to Kernes

Sergii Leshchenko: In sales of state assets, a long history of scams

Sergii Leshchenko: Why Pandora Papers create no political earthquake in Ukraine

Alexander Vindman talks Ukrainian roots, Trump-Zelensky phone call, Nord Stream 2

Sergii Leshchenko: Zelensky’s reelection hinges on deoligarchization

Sergii Leshchenko: Yulia Tymoshenko’s swan song is fitting – a corruption scandal

Sergii Leshchenko: US, Germany play along with Putin, give no real guarantees to Ukraine

Sergii Leshchenko: Avakov puts personal interests first in siding with Firtash, Fuks

Sergii Leshchenko: Time to look into Medvedchuk’s role in EuroMaidan Revolution, …

Sergii Leshchenko: Bank fraud is perennial, unpunished in Ukraine

Sergii Leshchenko: Akhmetov is everywhere. It’s time to stop him

Sergii Leshchenko: Firtash should be next oligarch Ukrainian leadership takes on

Sergii Leshchenko: Akhmetov’s son buys Swiss villa as oligarch sucks Ukraine’s enterprises …

Sergii Leshchenko: How Poroshenko Saved Medvedchuk — And Kremlin Propaganda

Sergii Leshchenko: Without TV channels, Viktor Medvedchuk is toothless

Sergii Leshchenko: Why Yulia Tymoshenko is suing me

Sergii Leshchenko: US is right on these sanctions, but more actions are needed

Sergii Leshchenko: Misto Bank’s collapse shows how corruption works in Ukraine

Sergii Leshchenko: Venediktova sabotages rule of law in Ukraine

Sergii Leshchenko: Constitutional Court becomes a collective Yanukovych

Sergii Leshchenko: Constitutional Court, a cornerstone of corruption, has to be stopped

Sergii Leshchenko: Inside Kolomoisky’s grand scheme to take power

Sergii Leshchenko: How Akhmetov gets away with fleecing Ukraine’s state railway

Sergii Leshchenko: Why incumbent mayors are set to win in big cities

Ilya Ponomarev: ‘I don’t believe Kremlin ordered poisoning of Navalny’

Sergii Leshchenko: The best gift for Ukraine’s Independence Day

Sergii Leshchenko: US again shows Ukraine how it should be fighting corruption

Sergii Leshchenko: ‘Pro-Western’ Tymoshenko sides with Russian agents in Ukraine

Sergii Leshchenko: 15 years after Orange Revolution, its heroes end up in strange places

Sergii Leshchenko: How corrupt Ukrainian court helped Giuliani’s conspiracy

Sergii Leshchenko: West needs to help Ukraine tame Akhmetov

Sergii Leshchenko: Bolton’s book shows mucky backyard of politics in US and Ukraine

Sergii Leshchenko: Viktor Medvedchuk, Kremlin’s agent in Ukraine, gets stronger

Sergii Leshchenko: Kremlin’s Trojan horse in Ukrainian politics

Sergii Leshchenko: Kremlin traces in latest Biden pseudo-scandal

Sergii Leshchenko: Saakashvili may be Zelensky’s second wind

Sergii Leshchenko: Vengeful politicians, worried oligarch join forces to destroy NABU

Sergii Leshchenko: Ihor Kolomoisky makes himself No. 1 enemy of the state

Sergii Leshchenko: Kolomoisky’s ‘legislative spam’ threatens IMF deal again

Sergii Leshchenko: Ukraine narrowly averts state default

Sergii Leshchenko: Ukraine’s oligarchs make Soros a scapegoat as they rob nation

Sergii Leshchenko: ‘Anti-Ukrainian’ plan presented in Munich benefits Poroshenko, too

Sergii Leshchenko: Ukraine should import US corruption-fighting methods

Sergii Leshchenko: By helping Giuliani, Ukrainian politicians help Russia

Sergii Leshchenko: How Kolomoisky’s prosecutor fueled Giuliani’s conspiracies

Francis Fukuyama: ‘It’s totally crazy to support Russia against Ukraine’

Sergii Leshchenko: The true story of Yanukovych’s black ledger

Sergii Leshchenko: Republicans keep lying about me at impeachment hearings

Serhii Leshchenko: Giuliani’s accusations are a lie

Sergii Leshchenko: West shouldn’t sacrifice principles in Ukraine

Sergii Leshchenko: European city mayor with non-European values

Sergii Leshchenko: Ukraine is given false choice ahead of March 31 presidential election

Sergii Leshchenko: Britain must help Ukraine finish off corruption

Sergii Leshchenko: Oligarchs thrive in increasingly corrupt rule of one of their own

Sergii Leshchenko: Defending Ukraine’s revolution against Ukraine’s leaders

Sergii Leshchenko: Time for Kubiv to go

Sergii Leshchenko: Look for more obstruction in anti-corruption battles

Sergii Leshchenko: Poroshenko’s agenda shifts from fighting corruption to promoting …

Sergii Leshchenko: Corruption Inc.