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Articles by VoxUkraine
May 12, 2016,
1:24 pm
VoxUkraine: Health reforms must not end with the replacement of the minister
April 22, 2016,
7:40 am
VoxUkraine: Why Ukraine needs the IMF more than the IMF needs Ukraine
Feb. 15, 2016,
2:37 pm
Vox Ukraine: IMF statement on possible cut of aid to Ukraine is disgrace for authorities
Feb. 10, 2016,
7:56 am
Vox Ukraine: Globally famous ‘Ukrainians’
Feb. 3, 2016,
6:19 pm
Vox Ukraine: Abromavicius resignation triggers crisis, ‘reduces trust in all branches of …
June 21, 2015,
6:49 pm
Vox Ukraine: Ukraine will not make much progress if it relies on external pressure to …
April 7, 2015,
7:56 am
VoxUkraine: Government’s first 100 days in office – 5 striking failures and 11 key …
Dec. 26, 2014,
12:56 pm
VoxUkraine: Budget-2015. What are the options now?
Dec. 24, 2014,
12:07 pm
VoxUkraine: Proposed 2015 budget moves Ukraine in wrong direction
Dec. 21, 2014,
11:16 am
VoxUkraine reading list: Best of 2014
Dec. 15, 2014,
2:36 pm
Vox Ukraine: What principles should guide Ukraine’s government?
Nov. 27, 2014,
10:02 pm
VoxUkraine: Aviation rules bad for Ukraine
Nov. 24, 2014,
5:50 pm
VoxUkraine: Making Ukraine more resilient to economic and conventional warfare
Nov. 5, 2014,
9:42 am
VoxUkraine: The likely future policies of the new Ukrainian parliament
Oct. 21, 2014,
2:54 pm
VoxUkraine: Economic ranking of political parties
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