Articles by VoxUkraine

VoxUkraine: Reform Index №169. Urban planning, distant identification of TOT residents

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №167. Gas market and connecting businesses to power lines

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №166. Judicial reform and the digital economy


VoxUkraine: iMoRe №164. Managing the property of state and communal education institutions

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №161. ‘Land’ decentralization and recognition of qualifications obtained …

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №160. New open data sets

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №159. Recalculation of foreign currency loans

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №158. Debt collection, e-passports, referendum law

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №156. Financial leasing and veterinary medicine

VoxUkraine: Energy efficiency of residential buildings

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №154. ‘Investment nanny’ law

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №152. Law on electronic communications and changes in gas procurement

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №151. Law on water transport and amendments to the Budget Code

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №150. Re-establishment of the authority of NACP

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №149. Reorganization of districts and communities, land reform

VoxUkraine: Ukraine needs a census

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №146: Constitutional Court lowered the reform index

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №143. Mandatory identification of e-wallet owners

Vox Ukraine: Risks and opportunities of the new Ukrainian electoral legislation

VoxUkraine: Can online videos change the acceptance of corruption among Ukrainian …

VoxUkraine: Inflation expectations of Ukrainians

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №142. The Unified Electronic System and monetization of the ‘baby …

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №141. Capital market developments

VoxUkraine: What will happen to Belarusian economy?

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №140. Reducing the ‘green’ tariffs and introducing new airline fees

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №138. The classification of goods, preferential admission to …

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №136. Nuclear energy regulation and school education deregulation

VoxUkraine: How did the 2019 med graduates pass their exams

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №135. The ‘Anti-Kolomoisky law’

VoxUkraine: On the budget processes manipulation

VoxUkraine: Ukraine on the scales of democracy

Vox Ukraine: Understanding Ukraine’s decentralisation reform

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №134. Decentralization and digitalization

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №133. The land market and banking reforms

VoxUkraine: The Great Depression in the photographs

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №132. Writing off bad financial assets

VoxUkraine: Expert says if we default, we will be left with debt and no money

VoxUkraine: іМоRе №131. Labor market reform – and that’s all

VoxUkraine: іМоRе №130. Quarantine instead of reforms

VoxUkraine: Expert on Ukraine central bank’s dealing with panic

VoxUkraine: How EU and US media cover Crimea’s annexation, Donbas war

VoxUkraine: Paul Gregory on Ukrainian reforms, Russia without Putin

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №127. Procurement of medicines via new enterprise

VoxUkraine: iMore №126. New law on higher education and land ownership

VoxUkraine: іMoRe №125. A Lot of anti-reforms and positive changes

VoxUkraine: Labour migration from Ukraine to the EU will probably continue

VoxUkraine: Rating of manipulators and liars. Reboot

VoxUkraine: Turbo-mode of the Ukrainian government

VoxUkraine: Poroshenko’s red lines

VoxUkraine: 6 main myths in Ukraine in 2019

VoxUkraine: iMoRe №124. Demonopolization of the spirits industry

VoxUkraine: Do reforms of the labor market make the economy more productive?

VoxUkraine: Medium-term road construction planning and competition rules for civil …

VoxUkraine: A major challenge for the Ministry of Health

VoxUkraine: The law on protection of intellectual property during import and unbundling

VoxUkraine: National Bank of Ukraine and the exchange rate

VoxUkraine: The census, what it is and why it is important

VoxUkraine: How Poroshenko uses manipulation in political struggle

VoxUkraine: Authorized economic operator on customs and single tax account

VoxUkraine: How medical reforms work and where they slow down

VoxUkraine: Growth miracle for Ukraine?

VoxUkraine: How to calculate Ukrainians abroad

VoxUkraine: The path of privatization from failure to transparency