United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Ukraine

Solicitation for U.S. Personal Services Contractor

Resilience Advisor, GS-13

USAID is recruiting an American citizen, Resident Hire, eligible to work in Ukraine for a one- year contract (with four option years). USAID defines resilience as “the ability of people, households, communities, countries, and systems to mitigate, adapt to, and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth.” Due to USG’s large portfolio through its humanitarian, transitional, and development assistance, USAID/Ukraine is hiring a Resilience Advisor to continuously monitor the situation in Ukraine as it relates to the nexus between humanitarian assistance, early recovery, and long-term development. The Resilience Advisor will represent USAID at relevant coordination meetings, workshops, and presentations with USG and international partners and provide continuous reporting to USAID and other elements of the U.S. Mission in Kyiv on updated activities, approaches, and plans. S/he will also develop or contribute to ongoing strategies and activity designs, maintain close collaboration with all relevant stakeholders on the ground in Ukraine,
develop appropriate policies and responses to the situation, respond to requests for information, and prepare background/briefing documents. In addition to the Advisor role, s/he will also serve as USAID/Ukraine’s civilian-military coordinator and as the main point of contact on veteran’s affairs. The Advisor will also be responsible for teaching and coaching other Mission staff, as appropriate, on the Advisor’s areas of expertise.


Education: A Bachelor’s degree in international affairs, international law, international development, conflict resolution, or a related field.

Prior Work Experience: A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in USG foreign affairs agencies, international organizations, and/or NGOs specializing in one or more of the following: international development, early recovery, humanitarian relief, human rights protection, internally displaced persons and refugee issues, transitional justice/rule of law, conflict resolution or a closely related field.

The full version of this Announcement is accessible at


CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: June 7, 2020 at 11:59 PM Kyiv time, by e-mail attachment only to Human Resources Office at [email protected]

Include solicitation number and position title in the subject line of your email.