CLOSING DATE/TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: 06/13/2020 at 11:59 p.m. Kyiv Time

Solicitation 72012120R11 for a Project Management Specialist (eGovernance), Cooperating Country National Personal Services Contractor (CCN PSC).

MARKET VALUE: Basic Annual rate (in U.S. Dollars): $28,811-$37,461

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Employment under any contract issued under this solicitation is of a continuing nature.


The Project Management Specialist (eGovernance) position is located in the Office of Democracy and Governance (ODG) and will be a part of the Governance Team. As such, the position will have a focus on the role of technology in democracy and governance (“e-governance”), in particular as related to anti-corruption and transparency initiatives. Based on a detailed understanding of legislation, policy, and practices related to the use of technology in public administration and citizen engagement, the position will serve as the primary point of contact in the Mission for e-governance issues. In this capacity, the individual will work closely with the leadership in ODG and will also collaborate across technical offices in USAID/Ukraine, including Economic Growth and Health Sectors.

The basic functions of the position include: 

  •  Develop and maintain close working relationships with GOU and local government stakeholders in the area of egovernance. This will include the Ministry of Digital Transformation, as well as key ministries and municipal administrations in Ukraine.
  •  Serve as e-governance expert to USAID Regional Mission management and technical offices, ensuring that egovernance issues are addressed within existing projects and activities, and appropriately incorporated into new project and activity designs. This will include coordination with USAID-funded activities across technical offices.
  •  Support the design of new awards in the areas of anti-corruption and e-governance.
  •  Serve as Contracting Officer Representative/Assistance Officer Representative for specific activities, including ongoing grants and purchase orders, and the “Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services” (TAPAS) activity.
  •  Actively participate in donor coordination in the areas of anti-corruption and e-governance, serving as the USAID technical representative at coordination meetings and public events as needed.


Education: Minimum Bachelor’s Degree equivalent, preferably with a technical degree or related field.

Prior Work Experience: At least four years of work experience in the area of technology use in the public sector, either through development and implementation of technology projects, and/or development of public policy related to use of technology in public administration or governance.

Language Proficiency: Level IV (fluent) in English, and native facility in Ukrainian and Russian, writing and speaking ability is required.

For further details and instructions on how to apply, please see the full version of this Announcement at: