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Feb. 21 2007, 9:08 pm
A trip to Spain
Oh Spain – land of bullfights and Flamenco dancingfoo, Paella and political turmoil. Where can one find its passion and romance so far from the …
John Marone
Feb. 14 2007, 9:00 pm
Enjoy Kyiv’s best hot chocolate
I remember the days, before I became a semi-dependent coffee drinker, when I enjoyed nothing more than to rip open a package of chocolate powder and …
Elisabeth Sewall
Feb. 8 2007, 12:48 am
McDonald’s continues expanding Ukraine chain
International fast-food giant McDonald’s has announced plans to expand its stronghold on the Ukrainian market, adding four new restaurants to its …
Elena Plekhanova
Feb. 8 2007, 12:31 am
Free up the grain!
The second government of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych has the onus of convincing the international community that it has changed since the days of …
Kyiv Post
Feb. 1 2007, 1:10 am
Grain export barriers upheld, losses pile up
Despite mounting complaints from grain traders and cash-strapped farmers, the government has remained stubbornly behind its controversial restrictions …
Vlad Lavrov
Feb. 1 2007, 12:46 am
New gourmet bakery retail chain on the scene
Ukrainians’ taste for pricier baked goods is on the rise, and a new French-Ukrainian joint venture is hoping to get in on the dough to be made …
Olga Gnativ
Feb. 1 2007, 12:07 am
The sweet Volkonskiy
Volkonskiy is one of Russia’s oldest aristocratic surnames and one of Kyiv’s newest confectioners/cafes. Located just off the Maidan across from the …
John Marone
April 26 2006, 10:05 pm
French-like bistro “Vernisazh” offers great food; fiery dishes at Hankookwan
It was already evident that Vernisazh was something special because I’d tried to go there three times before I finally found a table. Granted, it’s …
Jesse Schwartz
April 19 2006, 11:09 pm
Rock around the clock! Take advantage of Kyiv’s all-night eateries.
Let’s face it: though Kyiv is absolutely stunning during a bright spring day, with the ubiquitous leafy foliage making even the drab Socialist …
Jesse Schwartz
Alexandra Matoshko
April 12 2006, 11:59 pm
TUCC takes a closer look at restaurant Taboo; oysters invade Kyiv
The Kyiv Post has once again joined with The Ukrainian Connoisseur Club (TUCC) in an attempt to objectively quantify new and existing restaurants …
Jesse Schwartz
Alexandra Matoshko
April 5 2006, 11:17 pm
Food to your door! Delivery options in the capital
You’re at work, starving, hours behind deadline and won’t have a minute’s rest until nightfall. Or you’re hungry, tired (maybe even hung over) and you …
Alexandra Matoshko
March 30 2006, 12:26 am
Spicy stalwart Argentinean El Asador and cozy new Armenian bistro Marm
A common occurrence, I was struck last week by a ferocious desire both for a good piece of steak and a very spicy sauce. Reasonably easy to get …
Jesse Schwartz
March 30 2006, 12:23 am
Hot pizza to your door
Few traditions in North America are as hallowed as pizza delivery. Rarely is a house or apartment out of range from an intrepid deliveryman, trying …
Jesse Schwartz
March 8 2006, 12:54 pm
Rediscover the world’s most perfect brunch dish.
As with many successful dishes, more than one kitchen would like to take credit for the birth of Eggs Benedict.The claims spring from the Gilded Age …
Jesse Schwartz
Feb. 16 2006, 1:43 am
Pancake huts: there’s only one you need know
Though Mardi Gras and Carnival are over, signaling the beginning of the Christian Lenten period, the local Maslenytsa tradition is all set to begin, …
Feb. 8 2006, 11:10 pm
An exquisite Sunday lunch at the Radisson
With only personal experience as a guide, few Sunday lunch buffets contain the imagination,taste, variety and elegance to make them memorable. …
Paul Miazga
Jan. 25 2006, 11:17 pm
Asian restaurants in which to fete the new year
With the Lunar New Year set to begin on Jan. 29, it’s time to start thinking about where to get some red-colored dishes (symbolizing good luck), or …
Paul Miazga
Jan. 18 2006, 10:49 pm
Who we calling chicken? Only Kyiv’s best wings!
It’s American football playoff time. Nerves are frayed from opening kick-off to final whistle. Hoorahs and curses are shouted at TV screens in bars …
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