You're reading: Daily Digest: Top news of Thursday, Sept. 6
  • Hate attack. A man was stabbed and mugged in Kyiv’s downtown early on Sept. 6, in what witnesses said was an attack motivated by homophobia. It follows a series of hate attacks on young people in Kyiv.
  • Helicopter crash. A private helicopter crashed on Kyiv’s Trukhaniv Island, with two pilots being injured in the accident, Kyiv city police reported. The helicopter reportedly belonged to Yuriy Kosyuk, a Ukrainian billionaire and an owner of Myronivsky Hlibproduct, or MHP, one of Ukraine’s biggest agroholdings.
  • Norwegians to invest $370 billion to build a wind power plant in Kherson Oblast. Norwegian company NBT AS has signed a multimillion-euro contract with Power Construction Corporation of China Limited, or POWERCHINA, to build a large 250-megawatt wind power plant in Kherson Oblast.
  • IMF in Kyiv. The mission of the International Monetary Fund led by Ron van Rooden started working in Kyiv on Sept. 6, according to the IMF representative office in Ukraine. The mission will stay through Sept. 19 to discuss recent economic developments and policies.
  • Gender equality in the military. Ukrainian parliament voted to equalize the rights of women and men in the Ukrainian army. Until now, the women soldiers had fewer rights and were banned from certain military jobs.
  • Brussels eats borscht. Ukrainian cuisine is represented at the “Eat! Brussels” food festival running in the capital of Europe from Sept. 6 to Sept. 9.

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